Last mile logistics

Jivana Link is one of our key Switzerland based client. The company produces and delivers premium packaged drinking water across cities. With the rapidly increasing customer base, Jivana required technology to plan, optimize logistics, operations, team and provide quality experience to their customers.

Kansoft, as a strategic technology provider, helped them with their business challenges at various levels. Also, we have played a key partnership role in the entire process re-engineering through automation and enabling technology-driven solutions. Multiple applications for Jivana have been developed by Kansoft to rejuvenate the entire production to delivery process including development of analytical applications for scalability, growth and operational control. UI Elements have been heavily utilized to resolve many problems of efficiency, optimization and visualization.

Kansoft has designed and developed multiple applications including:

ERP application
To manage Purchase, Inventory, Production, Planning, Sales, Accounting and Supply Chain network. This application has been rewritten and replaced legacy ERP system.
Customer Mobile Application
For Android and iOS platform. This application helps customers especially regular subscription-based customers to order through app, track deliveries and maintain profile/payments directly on app. App is also integrated with payment gateway for online payments.
CRM application
For managing customer support, tickets, orders, delivery schedules, reward points and notification framework for application including promotions. A variety of dashboards have been provided for various roles in the organization to control and efficiently perform their jobs.
Delivery Mobile Application
For solving delivery issues and providing near real time tracking with an option to deliver through barcode scanning. Delivery information reflects immediately across ERP, CRM and Customer App for transparent operations and a great customer experience.

Key highlights and UI Features

Fully responsive and dynamic applications developed using MVC-Angular framework and tools such as Ionic, Visual Studio etc.
Delivery Trip scheduling by providing entire deliverable data structure consolidated on a single window. Previously, it was time consuming process as related information not available on single screen.
Multiple System integration through APIs and underlying services.
Customer 360-degree view on CRM with everything presented about a customer in a single screen such as profile, orders, deliveries, tickets, invoices and statistics
Multiple 3rd party integrations such as SMS Services, Email Services, Dialer Integration on Delivery App and Customer Service, Google Map Integration and Bar Coding.
Business had some time critical requirements and we developed Dashboards and Messaging to organize critical tasks and drastically improve Response Times.
Problem Solving using intuitive and smart screens.
Friendly Calendar Views were developed to manage and view chronological activities and status which is easy for users to visualise.
Responsive CRM and Mobile Applications.
Delivery Route shuffling using google maps integration and for actual vs planned analysis on a single graphical screen utility. The UI has a section where maps are automatically drawn along with geo tagging for analysis. This helps Jivana to reduce the logistics cost by optimizing plans.
Fully automated functions with dynamic data table and grids with easy filter and search options.
Customer Sequencing for delivery planning was an exhaustive process where it required manual clicking on each customer and updating their sequence. We plugged in drag and drop UI feature for customer sequencing through which it was a lot easier and saved a lot of time.
Floating Buttons for easy access of various functions on related screens.
Cross Functional navigations for quick access.
Wizard based design to streamline complex transactions and guided experience for users.
Advanced UI Elements to resolve operational challenges.