Top 5 features of Ionic 6

Top 5 features of Ionic 6

Ionic is an open-source UI toolkit for creating high-quality mobile and desktop apps with web technologies such as CSS, HTML and JavaScript. The Ionic Framework has evolved significantly from its origins as an AngularJS-only UI library to a truly cross-platform framework for developing Web Native applications.

It is simple to learn and incorporate with other libraries and frameworks such as Angular, Vue and React and the most important part is that it can also be used without a frontend framework. Ioniconf 2021 featured the latest version of the ionic framework, Ionic 6 beta. So, if you’re thinking about using Ionic for app development, make sure you’re aware of the new features in Ionic 6 before you begin. Let’s have a look at the newbie of ionic 6.

What’s new in Ionic v6?


Ionic 6 beta includes new components that make it easier to build desktop and mobile experiences. Here is the list of components which you can use right away.


Ionic 6’s first new component is ion-accordion. Accordions allow you to organize enormous volumes of content in a simple and understandable way. Smooth animations, keyboard support and reduced motion accessibility are just a few of the features included in this component.

Bottom Sheet

Ionic 6’s new bottom sheet is the best feature till now. Developers can use ion-modal to construct dynamic sheets that adjust to breakpoints and overlay interactive content.


Developers can easily construct rich desktop select experiences by combining the popover interface with ion-select. In addition to the new Material Design styles added to ion-select, team has improved desktop support by adding keyboard interactions for selecting options.


The ion-modal component has been updated and may now be used declaratively within application templates. This implies that developers can use the ion-modal> tag in their template and specify a component to display.  isOpen and trigger attributes have also been introduced. These properties make it easier for developers to show and hide modals with less code.


Ion-Date Time pickers must reflect a wide variety of use cases and solutions since they are unpredictable. It has been updated to work with the latest schedule picker styles for Android and iOS. Along with sophisticated planning, confinement support and keyboard and screen reader connectivity, the new Date Time component is a significant step forward for the Ionic framework.


ion buttons provide an interactive component that can be used in structures or anywhere simple button functionality is required. They will display text, symbols, or both. To look a certain way, the ionic button can be styled with a few characteristics.


Ion- breadcrumbs gives users essential context about where they are in your application and how they got there. Because it is adaptable and collapsible, this component can manage even the most complex app settings.


Ionic 6 has been updated to the most recent iOS and Android designs and the ionic team has re-aligned their major release cycle for the framework to ensure that future design changes with iOS and Android platform updates may be pushed into the framework much faster.


New boost style and revised toolbar and modular styles for dark mode have been added to the iOS mode. Ionic 6 is also compatible with iOS 15.


In Material Design mode, Ionic team has updated the input styles to include additional filled and outline options. In addition to a character counter, they have introduced error and helper text slots. The popover interface in ion-select has been modified to utilize the current Material Design standards. The Ionic team is keeping an eye on Material You and waiting for more guidance to be released by Google.

Performance and Tooling

Ionic Framework6 is built with lightning-fast web components and leverages current Web APIs, so your apps will be nearly as fast as native applications. The developers have influenced the most outstanding parts of Stencil in order to improve the speed and packaging of your Ionic Framework6 apps.

Custom Elements

Framework v6 will include a new build of the Framework known as the Custom Elements build. This Custom Elements build does not rely on Stencil’s lazy loading and assists bundlers to include only the components needed for your application. This will enable to decrease the total size of your application as well as the size of your program’s initial chunk, resulting in faster loading of your apps.

The bundle size of the Ionic Vue starting apps is reduced by up to 70%. Whether you use Capacitor to publish to app stores or the web as a PWA, your apps will be significantly smaller. While the precise savings will vary depending on the app, we are optimistic that most apps will benefit from this adjustment in bundle size. The Custom Elements build will initially be added to Ionic Vue before being made available to Ionic React and Ionic Angular developers.

Vite, Rollup and ESBuild

To make the offer more appealing, Ionic Framework v6 will be compatible with tooling’s like as Vite, Rollup and ESBuild, providing you with substantially more options for developing apps. This is something that designers have been hearing about for a while and we are excited to see what it delivers.

Vue Routing

The useIonRouter injectable gives Vue developers a new option to navigate in Ionic Vue. Developers can now leverage the Vue Router while maintaining control over page transitions.

Platform Detection Customization

New platform detection customization options has been added in Ionic 6. These settings assist developers in accounting for devices that do not always fit neatly into the platform buckets that Ionic has pre-configured. Developers can use this functionality to modify how platforms in Ionic are designed to account for other devices.


So, there you have it all: the Ionic framework v6 beta in all its glory. These are some of Ionic 6 beta’s new features. Other improvements will be made as the framework progresses from beta to final release. You can utilize Ionic 6 to take advantage of the new components and create better apps.

If you’re considering using Ionic for your next project, being aware of these new capabilities will aid in the development process. You can also get advice from specialists at Kansoft Solutions.   Hire ionic experts for a successful Ionic 6 app development. Get a free app development quotation by contacting us. We will be delighted to assist you.